Tuesday 25 November 2014

DiBlaas - New Men.

People come up to us an ask us what certain things mean and why we've chosen to do what we do and it's sometimes hard to respond without putting the ancient secrets of our culture at risk. The truth of the matter is that as we've embarked on this journey, we're learning a lot about ourselves, our culture and art which was essentially the what we wanted but the overwhelming support from Xhosa people around the country has been amazing. We hope that as you view our page that you too, no matter what culture, religion or race, will be inspired to tell the story of your people in a way that you know best.

Abantu abaninzi bayasi buza ukuba siyenzela ntoni lento kwaye kutheni sikhethe ukubonisa usiko lethu nga le ndlela. Kunzima ukuphendula ngamanye amaxesha kuba asifuni ukufaka izifombo zesiko engcuphekweni. Inyaniso ithi njekuba sihamba kule dlela, sifunda nzulu ngathi singabantu, isiko lethu ne zinto ezinhle ngathi sonke; kwaye ibi yilonto ebesiyifuna ekuqaleni kodwa ukuxhasa kwenu kuyimangaliso enkulu. Siyathemba njengokuba ujonge lento siyenzayo, nawe uyavakalelwa kwaye uyazingca ukuze nawe ukwazi ukqgithisela amava ngesiko lakho.